Board Of Directors
Our Pillars of Strength
Roe Nall, Jr. is a lifelong member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. He was baptized by Reverend Dorocher Blakey in Fayette, Alabama. Under the council and tutelage of his mentor, the late Presiding Elder M. C. Williams, he acknowledged his call to preach on Thursday, March 4, 1971. He preached his trial sermon on Sunday, April 4, 1971, at Bethel A. M. E. Zion Church, Brighton, Alabama, the late Reverend Harrison Johnson, Pastor. He was set apart to the office of Deacon on Sunday, October 10, 1971, at Metropolitan A. M. E. Zion Church, Birmingham, Alabama, by the Right Reverend Felix S. Anderson. Nine years and nine days later, on Sunday, October 19, 1980, he was set apart to the office of Elder at Petty’s Chapel A. M. E. Zion Church, Bessemer, Alabama by the Right Reverend James Clinton Hoggard.

The late Mayfred Jolinda Hughes Nall was born Monday, June 9, 1947, in Fayette County, Alabama, to the late William and Ruby Corina Hughes. She received her early education at Canaan Junior High School and graduated from West Highland High School, 1965, ranked fourth in her class. She was active in a variety of high school activities and served three years as Secretary of her homeroom class. Perhaps what she was most noted for was her accurate memorization of the Scriptures. Once when asked why she had such a knowledge of the Scriptures, she responded, “As a child growing up without school textbooks, I studied the only book I had available: The Bible.” Mrs. Nall passed on Sunday, May 31, 2015.

Cheryl Weems earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina, and a Master of Education Degree from Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. Cheryl is a Retired Educator. She taught thirty-six years in the Dekalb County (Georgia) School System as a reading specialist. Since her retirement, she volunteers to help students increase their reading skills.
She is an active member of Solid Rock A.M.E. Zion Church in Lithonia, Georgia. Present positions include Co-Leader of Class Leaders, Altar Guild (President), Usher Board and Deaconess.
Favorite scriptures: Proverbs 3:5-6 and Isaiah 41:10. Daily she reads a specific prayer for encouragement and guidance (“Teach me to be generous good Lord; Teach me to serve You as You deserve; To give and not to count the cost; To fight and not to heed the wounds; To labor and not to ask for any reward; Save that of knowing that I do Your Will. Amen” (St. Ignacius Loyola); Cheryl’s greatest wish is to strive daily towards being a humble, obedient servant for God.
Cheryl and her husband (Richard Weems) reside in Lithonia, Georgia.

Edward White has been an Executive Professor of Finance at the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University since 2014. He was formerly a Senior Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer of Owens-Illinois, Inc. (NYSE: OI) for seven years until his retirement in 2012. During his 38-year career with O-I, he worked in a variety of management roles across finance, manufacturing, and marketing. His international experiences included senior management positions as an expatriate in Finland, Poland, France, and Switzerland.
Mr. White holds a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Hawaii and a Bachelors in Business Administration from Indiana University. He is a director on the Board of Ardagh Group, S.A. (NYSE: ARD). Mr. White is a long-time supporter of the YMCA and the American Red Cross.

Dr. Rachel Dunbar is the founder and CEO of ReDirect Consulting, Incorporated (RDC, Inc.), a consulting firm specializing in helping individuals excel academically and professionally. She holds a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a Doctorate in Early Childhood Education/Urban Education from Georgia State University. Rachel has spent significant time overseas developing and implementing educational programs and has made numerous distinguished contributions to educational research at schools and universities in the U.S. The areas in which Rachel consults include Curriculum Planning, Diversity Sensitivity, Team Building, Leadership Development, Mentoring, and Global Awareness.
Rachel loves to travel and collects art as “conversation pieces” in each country she visits. She established #GetAPassportAndGo to heighten global awareness and encourage more individuals to obtain their passports in order to travel abroad. Rachel and her son live in Huntsville, AL, where they are actively involved in many community-based events.

Sharon Gray was born and reared in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a wife and mother of two sons-Chad and Zion. She is also a multi-business owner and Female/ Minority business Owner since 1991 of Let us love Your Lawn, Inc. She holds the position of Operations, Contracts, and Facilitator Manager for the company.
She is also the owner and operator of “You, My Dear, Rock Out Loud,” a women’s support group. Sharon believes embracing yourself the way God created you is the key to loving yourself. Her motto is: “Be comfortable in the skin God placed you in.” Her mission is to serve God in any capacity He allows. Sharon enjoys reaching and meeting the needs of others. Her passion is helping to feed and clothe those who have no food and insufficient clothing.

Steven Steinhilber grew up in Olmsted Falls, OH (just west of Cleveland). After graduating from Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, OH, he worked in the banking and insurance industry for several years. At the age of twenty-three, Steinhilber trusted Christ Jesus as his Lord and Savior. In 1999, Steinhilber moved to Georgia and married his wife, Crystal. He and Crystal have one daughter Anna.
For eleven years, he held various finance and accounting positions at C.R. Bard Inc. in Covington, GA. In 2012, Steinhilber accepted the call to vocational ministry and enrolled full-time at Luther Rice. He came on as a full-time employee at Luther Rice in late 2012. Steinhilber earned his Master of Arts in Apologetics and his Master of Divinity at Luther Rice. Steven earned his Doctor of Ministry degree at Clamp Divinity School, Anderson University, South Carolina. Steinhilber also served in an associate pastor role at Adgatevillle Baptist Church in Hillsboro, GA from 2016 to 2021. Steinhilber was appointed as the 5th President of Luther Rice in July 2021.

Vanessa Nealey serves as Secretary of the Reaching and Meeting Needs Board.
She graduated Cum Laude from Mercer University in Macon, GA, in June 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a double major in Religion and Communications.
She has worked for Luther Rice College, and Seminary in Lithonia, GA, since February 1992 and currently serves as the Executive Assistant to the President.
She is an active member of First Baptist Church of Conyers, GA, where she serves on various committees, sings in the choir, serves in Sunday school, and serves in the women’s ministry as a mentor
She has served on short-term mission trips to St. Kitts, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, France, Hungary, Romania, Israel, Kenya, and several states in the United States.

The mission of Reaching and Meeting Needs Worldwide Ministry, Inc. is to provide spiritual and financial assistance and in-kind services to struggling individuals by doing all the good we can, by all the means we can, in all the ways we can, in all the places we can, at all the times we can, to all the people we can, as long as ever we can.